Monday, January 25, 2010

The Recoil

Life is full of challenges, disappointments, and very confusing situations. It is a reality! Doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, doesn't matter if you are outgoing or shy, doesn't get easy just because you know God and choose to obey Him. But when we choose to be guided by the Word of God and led by God's Holy Spirit we have the opportunity to respond and react to problems and let downs very differently than most people. Most leaders are wired by God with high expectations, lofty goals, and big vision, which is very necessary to challenge and inspire people toward God's best for their lives, but with those high expectations come hard disapointments. I believe that our effectiveness in life has just as much to do with handling difficult situations as it does with setting God inspired goals and working hard to reach them. So here are some things I am learning abou the recoil:
1. Don't always trust your first response-the quick response is not always the best response!
2. Use every challenge to reevaluate your motives and seek God about what you could have done differently- stay teachable!
3. Realize that if you love people, try to help people, and have a genuine desire to serve people, said people will no doubt receive what you freely give and seldom value and esteem it properly which is likely the reason that they are in need-never stop giving freely.
4. The more we endeavor to treat others like God treats us the better the outcome of any situation will be- always better to be too gracious than add insult to injury.
5. There is always safety in a multitude of good counsel-having a team and being a part of the team insures you are never alone in the battle.
6. Being defensive or going on the attack only proves our insecurity and our need to be right at whatever the cost-people are always the most valuable aspect of any situation.
7. Forgiveness is only necessary when someone has wronged you and submission is only necessary when you disagree with someone.

Edwin Lewis Cole always said "how you leave one situation or season will be how you enter the next." Never underestimate how your current challenge is the opportunity to prove that you are ready for what God has in store for you ahead. Don't lose sight of the big picture, and never let someone else's decision's get you off course with God's plan for your life and ministry. Put the Word to work in your life and watch how God will reposition you for His best as you handle the recoil to difficult situations with wisdom and grace.

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