Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday night reflections

So amazed at how awesome God is and how good He is to us in always leading us to the right places, to the right people, and always to Himself. God has truly ordered our steps as we have launched our Saturday night service in WCH, merged our worship teams, and rolled out a very bold series with vision to reach a region just like they did in the book of Acts! We have talked about being Cause Driven, Committed, and Consumed by God. This weekend I was impassioned with a message from the 3rd and 4th chapter of Acts. I was so touched with how Peter was absolutely transformed on the day of Pentecost that it caused him to look at the lame and the poor very differently. Peter was consumed with God so much so that the world around him was changed by his bold obedience to God. I am so challenged by the simple fact that Jesus did not give "everything" so that we could give Him "something"! Jesus deserves our "everything"! I am also very intrigued with a missionary legend named James Hudson Taylor who is known as the most prolific missionary since the Apostle Paul. He said something that I have not been able to shake this whole week. "I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him. I ended up by asking Him to do his work through me." I desire to be known not just for how God helps me or what little I could do to help Him, but that the measure and legacy of my life would be what God would do through me!

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